Money Money Money!

“Inspire Me” question – [to prompt me to get writing on my blog]…


If you were suddenly independently wealthy, how would you spend your time? What positive change would you bring to the world?


Let me get back to you on that one…  as there is probably a lot I would do.

[Update] :

“Independently” enough to make a significant “change” in this world?  I’m assuming the question refers to more wealth than just being able to live with very basic independence from real financial hardships.  The nature of the question suggests a scenario in which one has enough to live wealthy yet still be able to spend time and money towards some other endeavor, such as business and/or charitable work, that would make a difference.

So, here goes.

I feel that focusing on too many complicated tasks could potentially make things confusing and ineffective.  The focus should be clear.  Furthermore, things should be done based on priority and immediacy.

A person’s responsibilities are mostly in the radius of one’s circles of influence.

One example of this is the following idea:

“Before you’re able to save the world, you should help solve the problems within your country.  Before you can do that, help your city or locality.  Before that, your neighborhood.  Before that, your home.  If that is difficult, then you should try to at least save yourself”.

Basically, one is very much in the center of their own circles of influence.  And then their hand can extend outwards to help, influence, or make a difference on lives and the world around them.  Based on, effectively how far outwards one’s influence can reach.

Still, what would I personally do, more specifically?  You may ask?  Stay tuned, while I structure what I might answer…

Jessie J – Price Tag ft. B.o.B. on Youtube – I decided to throw this in. It seems to fit quite nicely…